Cancellation Policy

Cancellations due to adverse weather conditions

HeliServices.NZ reserves the right to cancel reservations should the weather be unsuitable on the day of your flight booking. We will endeavour to reschedule to a later time if we feel a weather clearance is likely. When the weather is exceptionally unpleasant, flights will be cancelled for the day and a departure time the following day may be offered.

When your departure is cancelled due to weather and you are unable to make the next available flight we will cancel your booking and NO CHARGE will be processed against credit card details supplied or invoiced to the agent from which you purchased your flight.

When the weather is suitable for flying and when card details have been supplied or vouchered bookings have been made this constitutes a confirmed reservation and the appropriate charges will be processed at check-in time, up to 30 minutes before flight departure.

If you will be unable to take the booked flight please let us know at least 12hrs IN ADVANCE. Reservations may be cancelled up to 12 hours before departure to avoid any cancellation fees.

Cancellation fees

If you cancel your flight/s less than 12 hours before departure you will lose any possibility of a refund if we are unable to fill the seats with other passengers. If you fail to report at check in time, 30 minutes prior to departure the full amount will be charged either to the credit card details supplied or via invoice to the wholesaler or retailer where you purchased your flight.

If you need to cancel your reservation with less than 24hrs before departure it is advisable to do so BY TELEPHONE by calling – Franz Josef or Fox Glacier 0800 800 793 / Haast +64 3 7500 111 to ensure we are made aware at your earliest convenience.

Flight routes and snow landings are subject to suitable weather conditions and are at your pilot’s discretion. Our experienced team of pilots have your safety as their number one priority followed closely by value for money to ensure you get the best views available on the day. We will only fly in suitable weather conditions.